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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Why English?

أم ورقة
01-25-2005, 10:57 AM
Why English?
Is it a Bid'aa as some have claimed?

I was interested in completing an English Writing Course
but when I was consulting my friend about it, she discouraged me, saying that there's no need for mastering foreign languages
and on the other hand she told me that by this I will be benefiting the 'Kuffar' because I have to pay them the fees of the course !!!

I was puzzled when I heard her answer,

and I immediately posted a question about this issue in Sheikh Fawzan's Forum
then I got the answer , and it was not as discouraging as my friend's answer
on the contrary, he said:
"If the intentions are that good, go ahead ,and don't hesitate"

here's the fatwa for those who may be concerned

http://fatawaweb.com/fatawa/showthread.php?s=511644536ec9eb16f1 90c3af49f69138&threadid=6619

May Allah teach us what's beneficial
and help us benefit from what we've learned
wa assalam

no saowt
01-25-2005, 11:42 AM
Salam 3alaykoum,
Sister, the brother who claimed it is a bid3a was joking as far as I remember.
Most people who rejects foreign languages learning have a problem with understanding the basis of power acquisition nowadays,

Can you acquire and prepare the forces taht Quran ordered us to without learning what others have?

01-25-2005, 04:59 PM
the prophet peace be upon him ordered one of " sahaba" to learn " herbew"

so we need to learn other languages to communicate with other societies

on the other hand I have asked sheikh fawazan about speaking in English
without need

and he said " alamer was3 en sha2 Allah

01-25-2005, 07:45 PM

Jazakom ALLAH khayran.

how can we translate this du3a'?

أم ورقة
01-26-2005, 09:49 AM
May Allah reward you