مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : English
01-19-2005, 12:57 PM
...............بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم................
برعاية المرشد العام للمنتدى الاخ بلال قدس الله سره الشريف وكذلك الاخ ابو عزام مدير ادارة الشعر والنشيد... يسر صوت الشعر والنشيد ان يعلن عن بداية حملة اللغة الانكليزية في المنتدى
ستكون البداية بموضوع مأخوذ عن النسخة العربية لبرنامج ((يا ريت الكل يشارك))
حيث التغيير الوحيد هو ان البرنامج هنا يقتصر على اللغة الانكليزية فحسب...
ولمن لا يعرف الموضوع العربي نذكر بالشروط...
كل ما على المشترك فعله هو الاجابة على السؤال المطروح وطرح سؤال جديد.... ولكن باللغة الانكليزية حصرا
وشكرا لتعاونكم
اترك البداية لكم مشكورين .... :arrow:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يبارك فيكم ويحميكم
ويا ريت كل اللى يدخل مينساش يضع سؤال
انا بقى دخلت انبه وابارك وبس معلش بقى اصل مفيش حاجة فى دماغى مرة تانية ان شاء الله
no saowt
01-19-2005, 03:05 PM
How long have the Muslims been sleeping?
01-19-2005, 04:04 PM
They have been sleeping for a very long while... but hopefully not for long
have you fasted the 10 days of Zulhijja :?:
you mean 9days :)
yes alhamdolilah
Did you read Quran on these days and finished It?
01-19-2005, 08:39 PM
ok.. ra7 jarreb 7azzi
on these days.. no.. ya reit.. but before yes i did (inglisi mfarta3 ma heik??)
can us change the subject for french?? :|
01-19-2005, 10:07 PM
my sis
your French is already good, you should work on what is not good enough
on the other hand, we can make an independent page for French language if you like
but I dont know a single word in French :( , we will start learning it next month in the university
and if you ask sister Boushra, she might be able to help you, she is good at English :D
no saowt
01-20-2005, 02:02 AM
السلام عليكم،
كيف تقول للأخت انها يجب ان تقوي الإنكليزية خاصتها وتنسى انك بحاجة للفرنسية :)
01-20-2005, 04:10 AM
السلام عليكم،
كيف تقول للأخت انها يجب ان تقوي الإنكليزية خاصتها وتنسى انك بحاجة للفرنسية :)
:lol: :lol: :lol: up up
بس عندي سؤال للأخ محمد:
مين هي هال "شي".. she might be able to help you
الأخت بشرى؟؟؟ إسا هي تارسو بالإنكليزي أكتر مني..
ممكن سؤال
فين السؤااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااال :?:
01-20-2005, 04:44 AM
انا سالت السؤال..
كان بيتكلم ويقول انو شي
كنت بسال انو يقصد بشرى؟
طيب الاخت صوتة خلعت وقالت لى اكتب السؤال بتاعها ((بتدبسنى يعنى :roll: ))
هذا سؤالها:
bi ra2yak, this subject is better than the subject
(يا ريت الكل يشارك)
سؤالى بقى للاخ محمد:
how do you feel? today is our Eid and you'll have an exam tomorrow and also you're not with your family :roll:
الله يحفظك ويرعاك انت والاخوة المغتربين بلال وفاروق وطارق ومنير والجميع
01-20-2005, 11:05 AM
السلام عليكم،
كيف تقول للأخت انها يجب ان تقوي الإنكليزية خاصتها وتنسى انك بحاجة للفرنسية :)
I did not forget that I need the French, I will start learning it at the university next semester, but how can I improve it when I know nothing about it??? once I start I will be keen to improve ;)
طيب الاخت صوتة خلعت وقالت لى اكتب السؤال بتاعها ((بتدبسنى يعنى :roll: ))
هذا سؤالها:
bi ra2yak, this subject is better than the subject
(يا ريت الكل يشارك)
this is nither better nor worse, it has a different aim. and thats it really :D
سؤالى بقى للاخ محمد:
how do you feel? today is our Eid and you'll have an exam tomorrow and also you're not with your family :roll:
thank you very much for your question
as a matter of fact I am feeling so sad about being far from home and from those who I love, but on the other hand... I know that patience will pay at the end
and everything will be fine insha' allah
the exam is in two hours.... i have to leave now
sister manal.... would you ask a question on my behalf please??? thank you :D
01-20-2005, 04:21 PM
just finished
here is my question
what is the first thing you do when you wake up on the first day of Eid :?:
but please do not say : I wash my face
I mean a real thing :D
أم ورقة
01-20-2005, 04:25 PM
أصبحنا و أصبح الملك لله ! و الحمد لله ! لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له ! له الملك و له الحمد و هو على كل شيء قدير
الى آخره...!
01-20-2005, 04:28 PM
do you say that every say or only on days of Eid :?:
أم ورقة
01-20-2005, 04:30 PM
اكيد كل يوم.... و كذلك يوم العيد
01-20-2005, 04:32 PM
that means : this is not the answer I am looking for
because otherwise, i would have asked my question this way: what is the first thing you do when you wake up
but I specified the days of Eid to see what people do different
no worries anyway :D
where is your question :?:
أم ورقة
01-20-2005, 04:54 PM
just finished
here is my question
what is the first thing you do when you wake up on the first day of Eid :?:
but please do not say : I wash my face
I mean a real thing :D
no comment.
question number zero :
What would happen if an irresistible force tried to encounter an immovable object
01-20-2005, 05:21 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
a disaster will occure
that's sure
immagin abou 3azzam
hitting fakher
here's my question
when an imam prays
wearing his shoes
should those who pray behind him
wear theire shoes too ?
ذيس ايز آ هارد كوستشن
تل مي وات آر ماي ايرورز ذن انسر ماي كوستشن بليز
آل سالام آليكم ما براذرز اند سيسترز
أم ورقة
01-20-2005, 05:36 PM
thanks Mr. Forqany for your contribution
but I would like to display the answer of our Physics teacher:
he said:
Regarding question number zero,
If you chose not to be a hero,
fearing unnecessary drain may occur in the brain
listen to what one said, supposedly sane:
regarding your question,
I didn't come across this situation yet,
but my guess is that i don't think this makes a difference
I maybe mistaken but I think knowledge seekers may commit mistakes
and guessing is acceptable in knowledge seeking, provided that the guess has some foundation
am I not right?
01-20-2005, 06:18 PM
السلام عليكم
سيستر ام واراكا
ايم سوري بات ذير آر سوم اكسبريشنز ذات اي ديدنت اندرستاند ان ذا بويم ذات يو روت
اي اندرستود سوم فيرسز بات نوت أول أوف ذم
يو ماي ساي
آي غوت ذا بوينت
أولموست :lol:
السلام عليكم
01-20-2005, 09:05 PM
thats good guys
keep it up
sister manal.... would you ask a question on my behalf please??? thank you
I;m so sorry that i didn't ask,but realy i didn't have any question in my mind at that time
Are you nervous when you are introcuced to someone new? answer if you want
أم ورقة
01-21-2005, 04:11 AM
forqany requested correction of errors:
correction is in red
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
a disaster will occur
that's sure
imagine abou 3azzam
hitting fakher
here's my question
when an imam prays
wearing his shoes
should those who pray behind him
wear their shoes too ?
ذيس ايز آ هارد كوستشن
تل مي وات آر ماي ايرورز ذن انسر ماي كوستشن بليز
آل سالام آليكم ما براذرز اند سيسترز
by the way you didn't tell us what's the right answer?
An answer to Manal's question:
Are you nervous when you are introcuced to someone new? answer if you want
sometimes I am, it depends on the person being introduced :!: o
Can you compose a sentence in English that is composed of ten words, and each word is composed of only two letters?
01-21-2005, 06:53 AM
we go in as we go on as we do :D
how is it?
you must get impressed :P
no saowt
01-21-2005, 02:44 PM
I do not say what I say till I see what I think :)
01-21-2005, 03:15 PM
this is a more- than -ten- word- sentence :D
أم ورقة
01-22-2005, 09:24 AM
I forgot to tell you that it has to be a meaningful sentence
anyhow this is a ten-word-two-letter meaningful sentence
although it is not of my composition:
01-22-2005, 09:27 AM
nice one :arrow:
02-11-2006, 04:55 PM
من هناك
02-11-2006, 06:07 PM
How are you?
Good. yourself
02-11-2006, 09:14 PM
شو بلال؟؟؟ عم تتحركش بدك تستلم صف الانكليزي مهيك؟؟ مبارك عليك
ممكن تشرحلي الممنوع من الصرف بالانكليزي؟؟؟
02-12-2006, 06:25 AM
02-12-2006, 11:37 AM
مو بعدين كتير... بعدين شوي.... إن شاء الله