تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الشيخ سفر الحوالي يحذر أعضاء الكونغرس

10-10-2002, 03:55 AM
السلام عليكم
هذا الموضوع منقول من منتدى الفجر
في خطاب لم يعرب ...الشيخ سفر الحوالي يحذر أعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكي من مغبة التصويت بتأييد الضربة الأمريكية للعراق

في بادرة رائدة تعودناها من أمثاله من العلماء الربانيين على مرّ العصور ممن يعيشون واقع الأمّه وهمومها ويسعون إلى الإصلاح بما يستطيعون ولو كلفهم ذلك الكثير... يوجه فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور سفر بن عبد الرحمن الحوالي خطاباً إلى أعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكي بشأن ضرب العراق، وتم تسليمه لكل عضو منهم يدوياً بواسطة شركة علاقات عند بداية اجتماع مجلسي الكونجرس صباح الإثنين(الساعة العاشرة مساءً بتوقيت مكة المكرمة) وقد تضمن الخطاب:
• وصف الضربة بأنها ستكون ذات نتائج خطيرة وأبعاد بعيدة المدى خاصة على مستقبل العلاقة بين الإسلام والغرب .
• التنبيه إلى مخاطر الضربة العسكرية على المنطقة كلها وعلى المصالح الأمريكية.
• التحذير من إثارة غضب الشعوب الإسلامية المتأجج أصلاً بسبب الانحياز الأمريكي لإسرائيل . وأن الشعوب الإسلامية قد تجاوزت جميع والحواجز والعراقيل التي وضعت في طريقها لتحول بينها وبين الوقوف مع إخوانهم المجاهدين في كثير من أراضي المسلمين، فكيف بهم وقد استهدفوا في عقر دارهم وبين مقدساتهم.
• التذكير بصعوبة تحقيق السياسة الأمريكية وخروجها عن الأهداف المرسومة غالباً .
وقد قامت الشركة بتوزيعه على الإعلام الأمريكي (5000) مؤسسة إعلامية منظورة ومقروءة. وكذلك أهم وسائل الإعلام الغربي والعربي.
وهذا نص الخطاب بالإنجليزية:

October 6, 2002

Dear Member of Congress,

During these trying times, you have a moral and ethical responsibility towards your constituents as well as the world at large in relation to the potential war against Iraq. The question does not revolve around Saddam Hussein as a dictator. It revolves around something much greater: unprecedented violations of international law and long-term effects which may remain for generations, the result of the human tragedy which is a necessary consequence of modern warfare. Especially, between a superpower which desires to prove its ability and a ruthless, warlike dictator shielded by tens of thousands of troops, who may win the support of the entire population due to the lack of international support for this war, and because the American venture went beyond its publicly stated goals.

Furthermore, you must understand that the Muslim World -which extends over the greater part of the globe- is of one voice in rejection of this war, and American interests may be exposed to unexpected danger. Something similar occurred during the Gulf war. In the last war Iraq was the aggressor but this time it is the American President who called this war a "crusade" (which is the Christian equivalent of a Jihad), and who described Ariel Sharon as a "lover of peace," while describing the Palestinian uprising as "terrorism."

All the precautions and barriers did not prevent thousands of volunteer Mujahideen from penetrating Afghanistan during the recent war, so how could they protect your troops in Baghdad, the heart of the Islamic World and its cultural capital which borders directly on the Holy Land? You can imagine the great difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, indeed, there may be almost no similarities between the two. Yet they did not succeed in capturing Mula Omar or Osama Bin Laden.

During his visit to the region, President George Bush Sr. was asked why he did not capture Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War. He answered, "We were not able to capture Aidid in Mogadishu. He had only a starving militia, Saddam possesses the fourth largest army in the World."

There is an international proverb that says, "Going to war is easy, getting out is hard." This was said before the existence of modern capabilities and complications. America will ignite a war that its own friends do not support, let alone its enemies. Rather, the Israeli government -the only one encouraging this war- will cause many more problems for its own people, and Saddam Hussein may use the opportunity to make himself out as the protector of the Palestinian cause and the leader of justice. Doubtlessly, if Iraq fires even one missile at the Zionist state it will cause an uproar in the Muslim World which is totally submerged in hopelessness and depression as a result of biased American policy towards Israel.

It would not be strange for a man like Saddam Hussein, to burn down his entire country (including his neighbors) before his enemy could reach him. In that case, you will not be excused from responsibility for the catastrophe. If Saddam Hussein does not possess weapons of mass destruction than there is no excuse for attacking him, and if he does than it would be idiotic to incite a madman to play with fire among the oil tanks before exhausting all peaceful alternatives.

In the historical perspective, the Arabs are now living in a period of renaissance, and the Arab governments are unable to control their people in case something occurs to ignite a conflict. This will cause the problem to develop into a struggle between two civilizations and religions, not just between two countries.

I hope that you will give this situation serious consideration and give precedence to the welfare of your nation and constituents, as well as peace and justice even if it may mean losing your official position which by its nature is only temporary -you yourself only attained it because your predecessors lost it.

Remember, that the Creator of this vast universe has perfected its foundation on justice, and that He has promised the oppressed that in the end, He will take vengeance on their oppressors, and He promises heaven to the peacemakers:

"Blessed are the peacemakers."

We pray that God will strengthen your ability to make the right decision and to avoid evil and oppression.



Dr. Safar Al-Hawali, Ph.D.

Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Al-Hawali, former chairman of the Department of Islamic Doctrine at Umm al- Qura University in the Holy City of Makkah, Saudi Arabia, is one of the most influential Islamic scholars in the Middle East. He is well-known for his opposition to the1990 Gulf War.
