عبد الحميد الثاني
11-22-2009, 04:51 PM
Bahrain: Saturday, July 22 - 2006 at 14:05
The Rotary Club of Salmaniya invited HH Sh. Hessa bint Khalifa Al-Khalifa the executive director of inJAZ Bahrain as their speaker during their regular weekly meeting at the Golden Tulip in Bahrain.
<LI class=slideshow-image>http://www.ameinfo.com/images/news/2/19932-ShaikhaHessaBintKhalifaAlK.jpg
HH Sh. Hessa bint Khalifa Al-Khalifa
inJAZ Bahrain uses hands on experience to help young people understand the economics of life.
In partnership with business and educators. Injaz Bahrain brings the real world to students, opening their minds to their potential.
In her speech, Sheikha Hessa thanked Rotary Club of Salmaniya for inviting her to address them at their weekly meeting and took the opportunity to brief the members on the role of inJAz Bahrain as a non-profit organization specialized in inspiring youth through its programs. She also highlighted the importance of partnering with the Rotary Club as both entities focus on supporting the community and improving the life of the Bahraini citizens. Other areas Sheikha Hessa touched on was the possibility of cooperating with the Rotary Club on the level of vocational service, job shadow day for students and fundraising activities.
Sh. Hessa added "Rotary is a vital society for many Junior Achievement offices worldwide, as their members are committed to social development and willingly volunteer and arrange many fundraising events."
Rotary exist to do good in the world. Rotary Club of Salmaniya has initiated many local service projects to promote world understanding and peace and improve the living conditions for people of all ages and backgrounds in Bahrain. Raed Al-Samahiji President of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya commented "Our strength lies in our volunteer service of our members, and in conjunction with an international network of business and professional leaders world wide we are able to achieve a wide range of programs to meet human needs not only on Bahrain but worldwide."
Osama Muien Sercetary and President Elect of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya said "This is a great opportunity for the club to explore venues of cooperation between the two organizations. Much could be achieved by our joined forces. The idea of establishing a relationship with Injaz Bahrain is welcomed by our club."
Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Members of a Rotary club are part of a diverse group of 1.2 million professional leaders men and women who as volunteers work to address various community and international service needs and to promote peace and understanding in their local communities and throughout the world.
Present during the meeting were members and their guests including VIP, and dignitaries. During the meeting the club president also inducted into the membership Mr. Numan Abdulla the G.M of Golden Tulip. During the induction the president encouraged the new member to take active role club by participating in its many committees. Mr. Numan thanked the board of directors and the members for their trust and and promised he shall endeavor his best to carry the ideals and principals of service.
http://www.ameinfo.com/92250.html (http://www.ameinfo.com/92250.html)
هذه مجرد بداية . في نوادي الروتاري ب والماسونية في البحرين ( كلاهما علني كما هو الحال في لبنان والاردن ) اخترناه هكذا اعتباطا . والتريب ياتي لاحقا ان شاء الله
من الجدير ذكره هنا ان المبشر الماسوني الصليبي زويمر اتخذ من البحرين هذه قاعدته الاولى في المنطقة لنشر الماسونية في كافة مدن وعائلات الخليج غربا شرقا ( ايران وغيرها ) .وبخاصة منها التي في مواقع السلطة والحكم واولهم أل سعود .
وهي دعوة للبحث ايضا بنفس الطريقة التي شرحناها في موضوع روتاري دبي .
The Rotary Club of Salmaniya invited HH Sh. Hessa bint Khalifa Al-Khalifa the executive director of inJAZ Bahrain as their speaker during their regular weekly meeting at the Golden Tulip in Bahrain.
<LI class=slideshow-image>http://www.ameinfo.com/images/news/2/19932-ShaikhaHessaBintKhalifaAlK.jpg
HH Sh. Hessa bint Khalifa Al-Khalifa
inJAZ Bahrain uses hands on experience to help young people understand the economics of life.
In partnership with business and educators. Injaz Bahrain brings the real world to students, opening their minds to their potential.
In her speech, Sheikha Hessa thanked Rotary Club of Salmaniya for inviting her to address them at their weekly meeting and took the opportunity to brief the members on the role of inJAz Bahrain as a non-profit organization specialized in inspiring youth through its programs. She also highlighted the importance of partnering with the Rotary Club as both entities focus on supporting the community and improving the life of the Bahraini citizens. Other areas Sheikha Hessa touched on was the possibility of cooperating with the Rotary Club on the level of vocational service, job shadow day for students and fundraising activities.
Sh. Hessa added "Rotary is a vital society for many Junior Achievement offices worldwide, as their members are committed to social development and willingly volunteer and arrange many fundraising events."
Rotary exist to do good in the world. Rotary Club of Salmaniya has initiated many local service projects to promote world understanding and peace and improve the living conditions for people of all ages and backgrounds in Bahrain. Raed Al-Samahiji President of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya commented "Our strength lies in our volunteer service of our members, and in conjunction with an international network of business and professional leaders world wide we are able to achieve a wide range of programs to meet human needs not only on Bahrain but worldwide."
Osama Muien Sercetary and President Elect of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya said "This is a great opportunity for the club to explore venues of cooperation between the two organizations. Much could be achieved by our joined forces. The idea of establishing a relationship with Injaz Bahrain is welcomed by our club."
Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Members of a Rotary club are part of a diverse group of 1.2 million professional leaders men and women who as volunteers work to address various community and international service needs and to promote peace and understanding in their local communities and throughout the world.
Present during the meeting were members and their guests including VIP, and dignitaries. During the meeting the club president also inducted into the membership Mr. Numan Abdulla the G.M of Golden Tulip. During the induction the president encouraged the new member to take active role club by participating in its many committees. Mr. Numan thanked the board of directors and the members for their trust and and promised he shall endeavor his best to carry the ideals and principals of service.
http://www.ameinfo.com/92250.html (http://www.ameinfo.com/92250.html)
هذه مجرد بداية . في نوادي الروتاري ب والماسونية في البحرين ( كلاهما علني كما هو الحال في لبنان والاردن ) اخترناه هكذا اعتباطا . والتريب ياتي لاحقا ان شاء الله
من الجدير ذكره هنا ان المبشر الماسوني الصليبي زويمر اتخذ من البحرين هذه قاعدته الاولى في المنطقة لنشر الماسونية في كافة مدن وعائلات الخليج غربا شرقا ( ايران وغيرها ) .وبخاصة منها التي في مواقع السلطة والحكم واولهم أل سعود .
وهي دعوة للبحث ايضا بنفس الطريقة التي شرحناها في موضوع روتاري دبي .