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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بن لادن...صوفي وليس وهابي

08-24-2008, 04:12 PM
السلام عليكم

بغض النظر عن موقفنا من فكر بن لادن وطريقته في مقاربة الامور....الا انه لفتني جدا موقع غريب عجيب على الانترت لم يترك احدا تقريبا الا وطعن به واخرجه من دائرة"الوهابية" !!

الغريب ان الموقع هو من ضمن المواقع الصديقة في موقع جامعة ام القرى...!!

واليكم هذا المقطع الطريف حول : هل بن لادن وهابي؟

Is Osama Bin Laden Really a 'Wahhabi'?
The term "Wahhabi" (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm) is often misused for less than honest purposes...
On September 30, 2001, Roger Hardy, the BBC's Middle East analyst wrote an article entitled "Inside Wahhabi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm) Islam." Hardy himself notes that the term "Wahhabi" (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm) is often misused for less than honest purposes, "The term 'Wahhabi' (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm) is often used very freely. The Russian media, for example, use it as a term of abuse for Muslim activists in Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as in Russia itself - rather as the Western media use the vague and derogatory term 'Islamic fundamentalism'."
Regrettably, Hardy falls into the same trap of misappropriating this term when he states that Osama Bin Laden is a "Wahhabi" (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm): "Osama Bin Laden, named by US officials as the main suspect in the 11 September attacks against America, is Saudi-born and a Wahhabi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm)."
The mistake that Hardy has fallen into here is that he has assumed that since Bin Laden was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, that this in turn necessitates him being a "Wahhabi" (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm). In fact, this is a superficial conclusion which has been repeatedly mentioned in the media and is worthy of refutation.
Osama bin Laden comes from a Yemeni family which is based in Hadramout, a coastal section of Yemen that is well known for being a base of a particular sect of Islam called Sufism (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm). Sufism (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm) could be briefly summarized as being the antithesis of "Wahhabism" (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm).http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/images/1.gif Bin Laden himself is not concerned with differentiating between matters of creed, and some of his statements indicate that he still acknowledges certain Sufi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm) practices. He also embraced the Taliban as his close friends and protectors, and it is well known that the great majority of this group belong to Deobandism, a Sufi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm) movement.
However, a differentiation is made between demonstrating that Bin Laadin acknowledges certain Sufi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm) practices, and claiming that he is an outright Sufi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm). Rather, Bin Laadin has shown that he is not concerned with the same matters of belief and worship that a Salafi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm) would concern himself with, because the sect he belongs to (Qutbism (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/qutbism-effects.htm)) does not distinguish between matters of belief, so long as people adhere to their “movement.”
Another misnomer which has been oft repeated in the mainstream media is the notion that the Taliban were “Wahhabis.” (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/wahhabism.htm) On December 10, 2001, The Washington Post’s Ron Kampeas wrote that “Wahhabism” (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/wahhabism.htm) is “a puritanical faith that rejects change. A brand of Islam that drives the Taliban…”
This in fact is another great inaccuracy which indicates that those who have repeated these claims have approached these intricate matters in a simplistic fashion.
Although Roger Hardy’s BBC article made the error of stating that Osama bin Laden was a “Wahhabi,” (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/wahhabism.htm) he, unlike Kampeas, stayed clear of repeating this error when addressing the Sufi (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm) Taliban movement:
“But the Taleban are not Wahhabis. They belong to what is known as the Deobandi movement, named after the small town of Deoband in the Indian Himalayas. It was here that the movement was founded, in the 1860s,
during the period of British rule in India.”
On November 9, 2001, Hamid Mir of the Pakistani daily, The Dawn, interviewed Osama Bin Laden just prior to the fall of Kabul:
Hamid Mir: "After (the) American bombing on Afghanistan on Oct 7, you told Al-Jazeera TV that the September 11 attacks had been carried out by some Muslims. How did you know they were Muslims?"
Osama bin Laden: "The Americans themselves released a list of the suspects of the September 11 attacks, saying that the persons named were involved in the attacks. They were all Muslims, of whom 15 belonged to Saudi Arabia, two were from the UAE and one from Egypt. According to the information I have, they were all passengers. Fateha was held for them in their homes. But America said they were hijackers."
Bin Laden’s statement “Fateha was held for them in their homes” is referring to the reading of the opening chapter of the Quran (al-Fatihah) for the souls of the deceased, a common practice of the Sufis (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm). This act of worship has no basis in Islam, either from the Quran, the Sunnah, or the practice of the earliest generations. More precisely, this is an innovated practice which later generations of Sufi Muslims (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/sufism.htm) fabricated. This statement indicates that Osama bin Laden is neither knowlegeable in Islam, nor is he attached to the principles and practices of Salafism (http://www.thewahhabimyth.com/salafism.htm).

- abridged from the book: The 'Wahhabi' Myth

من هناك
08-24-2008, 06:59 PM
اعجبني الموقع وما نقلت منه واظن ان هناك بعض الإخوة في صوت ممن يحملون هذه العقيدة الوهابية الصرف التي تصرف الكثير من الناس عن السلفية وتصرف ايضاً دولارات خضراء وريالات صفراء وزرقاء

08-24-2008, 07:58 PM
المقال بحد ذاته ليس سخيفا بل فيه قدر من الحقائق المغيبة ولكن توجهات من يقف خلف الموقع هي التي اثرت على نظرتك اليه يا فاروق..
انا شبه متاكد مثلا ان بن لادن لا يهتم كثيرا بالامور الفقهية والعقدية التي تميز الاخوة السلفيين بل يصب جل اهتمامه على الناحية الحهادية ويتعاون مع الظواهري وهو من الاخوان وطالبان وهم من الاحناف (وهذه ناحية حسنة عنده).
بمعنى ان تاثره بسيد قطب و الشيخ عبدالله عزام اكثر من تأثره بمشائخ السلفيين التقليديين مثل ابن باز وابن العثيمين.
الموقع بالتاكيد لسلفية "ولي الامر" وهم للاسف مضللون ككثير من الفرق الاسلامية التي لا تستطيع ان ترى الاسلام بشمولية.

من هناك
08-24-2008, 08:02 PM
وهم للاسف مضللون ككثير من الفرق الاسلامية التي لا تستطيع ان ترى الاسلام بشمولية.
بارك الله بك اخي عزام على هذه الملاحظة: إنها الجواب الفيصل
هناك الكثير من المجموعات التي لا تستطيع ولا تريد ان ترى الإسلام بشمولية

08-25-2008, 06:46 AM
بارك الله فيك اخي عزام...

هذا ما اردت قوله... بانه من قال ان السلفي لا يتعاون مع الحنفي بل وحتى الصوفي ...؟

ومن قال ان السلفي هو فقط من يأخذ بتاويلات واجتهادات اين تيمية رحمه الله؟

الموقع طعن في عقيدة الكثيرين ورمى التهم يمنة ويسرة... وللاسف الامر متفش عند بعض السلفيين الشباب في لبنان...الذين تعلموا السلفية على انها رفض للاخر...وصولاالى ان يكون الاخر شيخهم ربما :) وكل ذلك تحت ستار القوة في الحق.

نسال الله ان يلم شمل هذه الامة ويوحد صفنا

08-25-2008, 07:02 AM
بارك الله فيك اخي عزام...
هذا ما اردت قوله... بانه من قال ان السلفي لا يتعاون مع الحنفي بل وحتى الصوفي ...؟
ومن قال ان السلفي هو فقط من يأخذ بتاويلات واجتهادات اين تيمية رحمه الله؟
الموقع طعن في عقيدة الكثيرين ورمى التهم يمنة ويسرة... وللاسف الامر متفش عند بعض السلفيين الشباب في لبنان...الذين تعلموا السلفية على انها رفض للاخر...وصولاالى ان يكون الاخر شيخهم ربما :) وكل ذلك تحت ستار القوة في الحق.
نسال الله ان يلم شمل هذه الامة ويوحد صفنا
صدقت.. جزاك الله خيرا..