مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Today's Wisdom
أم ورقة
04-02-2008, 10:53 AM
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little EXTRA thing.
04-02-2008, 11:00 AM
There's nothing LITTLE about it
أم ورقة
04-02-2008, 11:02 AM
it is a five-letter-word
so this is the little about it
04-02-2008, 12:13 PM
well, big is a three letter word but bigger than little
04-03-2008, 07:43 AM
ab changes the meaning from normal to abnormal
04-03-2008, 01:13 PM
We must either find a way or make one. -Hannibal
04-04-2008, 09:06 AM
Win without boasting. Lose without excuse. -Albert Payson Terhune
أم ورقة
04-04-2008, 05:06 PM
A good teacher is that who teaches from the heartnot from the book! i
04-05-2008, 03:14 AM
True friendship is like sound health
the value of it is seldom known until it be lost
Charles C. Colton
أبو مُحمد
04-06-2008, 03:29 PM
قال بعضهم:
"ذنوب الخلوات تؤدي الى الانتكاسات ... وطاعة الخلوات طريق للثبات حتى الممات"
من هناك
04-06-2008, 05:05 PM
True friendship is like sound health
the value of it is seldom known until it be lost
Charles C. Colton
Tellement correcte
من هناك
04-06-2008, 05:06 PM
"ذنوب الخلوات تؤدي الى الانتكاسات ... وطاعة الخلوات طريق للثبات حتى الممات"
توصيف الداء اول دواء
أبو مُحمد
04-06-2008, 05:09 PM
لعله : الداء !
من هناك
04-06-2008, 05:11 PM
لعله : الداء !عالم الغيب فلا يطلع على علمه احدا
أبو مُحمد
04-06-2008, 05:16 PM
ولكن كيف تستقيم هذه الكملة : "الدار" مع بقية الجملة أخي بلال.
ولم افهم الجملة الاخيرة فهل هي اية ام مجرد كلام؟
من هناك
04-06-2008, 05:20 PM
كنت اريد من البعض ان يدخل على الخط ولكن انت قطعت الخط عليهم :)
أم ورقة
04-06-2008, 05:57 PM
كلما تعلّمنا زادنا العلم جهلاً
04-06-2008, 07:09 PM
Friends are born, not made
04-09-2008, 06:19 AM
As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy, than to create
أبو مُحمد
04-23-2008, 10:47 AM
سأل الحائط الوتد: لم تشقني قال سل من يدقني.
أبو مُحمد
04-27-2008, 05:19 PM
Praising ourselves is a dishonest way of criticizing others
أم ورقة
04-27-2008, 06:09 PM
It is true that Education costs money, but ignorance costs much more !! i
أبو مُحمد
04-27-2008, 07:08 PM
Criticizing others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves
أبو مُحمد
04-28-2008, 06:24 PM
من كان يخشى قول الحق ... فلا يقل بالباطل.
عبد الله بوراي
05-02-2008, 04:36 PM
Share What You Can To benefit The Others
أم ورقة
05-02-2008, 05:38 PM
Don't build your success on the ruins of others
05-02-2008, 05:48 PM
Si tu te cognes la tête contre un vase et que ça sonne creux, n'en déduis pas forcément que c'est le vase qui est vide
عبد الله بوراي
05-02-2008, 05:55 PM
ACTIONS speak louder than words
05-02-2008, 05:58 PM
Be who you are and say what you feel beacause those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter
05-06-2008, 11:24 AM
Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech
أم ورقة
05-20-2008, 06:47 PM
Nature is one of my best teachers
I hope u like this br. moukawem coz it is falls in the same category of ur slogan on messenger.
Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.
06-05-2008, 09:48 AM
That's nice but logically impossible for the simple reason that by definition, bravery is not acting upon your fears.
Fear is an emotion that all humans share, the difference between bravery and cowardice is whether one acts upon his or her fears or not.
أم ورقة
06-09-2008, 10:48 AM
I can't live without learning
06-10-2008, 04:28 PM
With money you can buy a house, but not a home.
With money you can buy a clock, but not time.
With money you can buy a bed, but not sleep.
With money you can buy a book, but not knowledge.
With money you can buy a position, but not respect.
With money you can buy blood, but not life.
أم ورقة
06-10-2008, 07:09 PM
isn't the fear of thirst when your well is full but the thirst that is unquenchable ?
أم ورقة
06-13-2008, 04:24 PM
Don't judge the right path by the number of its followers
(this is irony of course)
I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world
oscar wilde
أم ورقة
06-26-2008, 09:05 AM
What's important is that you be satisfied with what you got,
rather than being dissatisfied with what you couldn't get.
06-26-2008, 12:56 PM
Smile You Are In Lebanon!!
and that's your final warning!
أم ورقة
06-27-2008, 09:25 PM
the more you try to enlighten arrogant people the more their minds shrink;
like the pupil of the eye: the more it receives light the more it contracts
أم ورقة
06-28-2008, 07:39 PM
There's no regret in learning
06-28-2008, 07:51 PM
Where there is only a choice
between cowardice and violence
I advise violence
أم ورقة
06-29-2008, 01:21 PM
These days we are not in short of "talking tongues"
as much as we are in short of "listening ears"
so whoever has an "ear" that he is not making use of
let him donate it !!!
عبد الله بوراي
06-29-2008, 02:02 PM
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end
أم ورقة
08-24-2008, 01:38 PM
Life is too short to plan for it
من هناك
08-24-2008, 02:50 PM
Life is too short to plan for it
Failing to plan is planning to fail
أم ورقة
08-28-2008, 01:13 PM
God's plans are always the best
أم ورقة
08-31-2008, 12:29 PM
Knowledge is no one's property
أم ورقة
09-02-2008, 08:13 AM
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
أم ورقة
10-12-2008, 06:59 AM
smiling is free of charge: you won't be charged for smiling ! i
10-12-2008, 07:43 AM
Smile, the worst is yet to come
أبو بكر البيروتي
10-15-2008, 10:38 PM
to love is NOTHING
to be loved is SOMETHING
to love and be loved is EVERYTHING
ofcourse all after marriage
من هناك
10-16-2008, 02:27 AM
Yo Bro.
U r chilling a la
أم ورقة
10-30-2008, 07:47 PM
Old is Gold
عبد الله بوراي
10-30-2008, 08:01 PM
to love is NOTHING
to be loved is SOMETHING
to love and be loved is EVERYTHING
ofcourse all after marriage
Be faithful enough to believe in miracles
04-04-2009, 05:29 AM
A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.
Mark Twain
أم ورقة
06-07-2009, 09:35 PM
Success is more worrying than failure.
أم ورقة
06-20-2009, 05:47 PM
Life is simple, but it is we who complicate it
من هناك
06-20-2009, 09:47 PM
Life is simple, but it is we who complicate it
If we do not complicate life, someone else would
أم ورقة
06-21-2009, 06:00 AM
everything can be stopped except gossiping
06-21-2009, 09:44 AM
'Two Wolves'
One evening an old Indian Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people..
He said:'My son, the battle is between 'two wolves' inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy
,sorrow,regret,greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment,inferiority, lies,false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good
. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity,humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity,truth, compassion, and faith.'
The grandson thought about it for a minute, and then asked his grandfather:'Which wolf wins?'
The old Cherokee simply replied:'The one you feed.'
أم ورقة
06-22-2009, 04:28 AM
"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." -- Albert Einstein
أم ورقة
06-25-2009, 06:51 AM
Allah granted us a tongue to talk but two ears to listen
أم ورقة
06-26-2009, 06:59 PM
Nothing stops those who have a MISSION
أم ورقة
06-26-2009, 08:51 PM
When both silence and talking may lead to misunderstanding, I will still favor silence.
من هناك
06-26-2009, 11:53 PM
When both silence and talking may lead to misunderstanding, I will still favor silence.
Sometimes one has to talk to clear the mis-understanding or it would be taken for granted that this silence is acceptance
06-27-2009, 06:38 AM
Allah gave us two ears but one mouth, not many people get it
أم ورقة
06-27-2009, 07:23 AM
you didn't get it?
we usually say this when we want to remind others that listening is even more important than talking
listening is an essential element in any conversation
and without listening there's no comprehension
06-27-2009, 07:28 AM
you didn't get it?
we usually say this when we want to remind others that listening is even more important than talking
listening is an essential element in any conversation
and without listening there's no comprehension
I got it. At least I think I did.
You're right, we should listen twice as much as we talk and that's what a lot of people don't get
أم ورقة
06-28-2009, 05:41 AM
“I wish that mankind would learn this knowledge - meaning his knowledge - without even one letter of it being attributed to me” – Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee
أم ورقة
07-06-2009, 01:09 PM
everything can go backwards except TIME
أم ورقة
07-12-2009, 09:35 PM
If you want something you never had, do something you have never done
من هناك
07-13-2009, 01:33 AM
If you want something you never had, do something you have never done
Tallest buildings are the hardest to build
أم ورقة
07-22-2009, 11:49 AM
The technique that is essential in all therapies is called: SMILING
أم ورقة
07-28-2009, 01:35 PM
You should always keep your head up and your feet down (confident, but at the same time humble)
أم ورقة
07-29-2009, 10:35 AM
"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change". Carl Rogers
"The facts are always friendly, every bit of evidence one can acquire, in any area, leads one that much closer to what is true." Carl Rogers
"Man's inability to communicate is a result of his failure to listen effectively."
Carl Rogers
عبد الله بوراي
07-29-2009, 12:23 PM
Every human being has the full right to differ in opinion and perceptions and behavior
عبد الله بوراي
07-29-2009, 12:38 PM
Do not try to please others against the Your principles and at the expense of your feelings. Back to say no when necessary and without hesitation
أم ورقة
07-30-2009, 05:40 AM
"Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away."
عبد الله بوراي
07-30-2009, 07:06 AM
Take the opinion and advice of those who have more experience before you take your
أم ورقة
08-02-2009, 07:17 PM
"Happiness is good health and a bad memory."
أم ورقة
08-06-2009, 08:07 AM
ٍThose who abandon me in my hardest times,
I have no guilt feeling in being away in their happiest times.
أم ورقة
08-08-2009, 03:38 PM
That who has answers to ALL questions is not a human being...
أم ورقة
08-12-2009, 09:12 AM
Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up
08-12-2009, 10:10 AM
Be who you are and say what you think because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter
أم ورقة
08-18-2009, 12:26 PM
"Whatever kind of word thou speakest, the like shalt thou hear"
08-31-2009, 07:37 AM
,Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift
that is why it is called: the present
أم ورقة
09-25-2009, 02:33 PM
Money can buy everything,
but faithfulness is NOT FOR SALE
أم ورقة
12-31-2009, 04:33 PM
the ones who I admired in life are not those who acknowledged what I did but rather believed in what I am going to do
أم ورقة
01-02-2010, 06:24 PM
The difference between winners and losers is winners do what losers don’t want to do
أم ورقة
01-05-2010, 01:47 PM
Rumors travel faster than the speed of light
أم ورقة
07-11-2010, 11:47 PM
Recognize problems when they are still small and deal with them before
they grow. Learn how to distinguish between a quick summer rain and
a devastating hurricane
أم ورقة
07-17-2010, 05:04 PM
"Simple is not always best, but it's almost always the best way to start."
Change. But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed
Paulo Coelho: