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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : BOLTON RESIGNS!!

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12-04-2006, 03:41 PM
[align=left:b994551933][color=red:b994551933][size=24:b994551933]BOLTON RESIGNS![/size:b994551933][/color:b994551933]!

UNITED NATIONS - / www.MaximsNews.com, UN/ - 4 December 2006 -- U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton resigned this morning and his resignation was accepted by President Bush according to a statement issued by the White House today. Bolton is expected to step down when his recess appoint ends shortly.
Ambassador Bolton�s nomination had been stalled in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee for over a year because it was blocked by Democratic Senators and a few key Republican Senators including Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island .

Bolton was given a temporary appointment by president Bush in August, 2005 when the U.S. Congress was in recess and the appointment is due to expire when the Congress adjourns soon.

The Bush Administration had re-submitted Bolton�s nomination in November but since the Democratic Party won the November 7 elections his chances for confirmation were derailed and the incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware , said he strongly opposed Bolton �s nomination.

Historian and MaximsNews Columnist Stephen Schlesinger stated in an earlier column Bolton Must Go!:

"Bolton has never been a diplomat � which, among his supporters, is regarded as a mark of honor. He hails from the Republican Party's extreme conservative wing. Bush chose him to please the most fervent right-wingers in his administration, most of whom either scorn or want to terminate the United Nations.

Bolton has for a long time been an excessive and unrestrained critic of the U.N.

Among his infamous utterances: that it wouldn't make a difference if 10 stories were sliced off the U.N. building; that the U.S. has no obligation to pay its dues to the organization; that the Security Council should be reduced to one member, namely the U.S.

And, perhaps his most notable sally, that "there's no such thing as the United Nations."

His record since taking over as ambassador in August 2005 has shown that his adversarial stance toward the institution has not softened.

In his first month as U.N. envoy, he gleefully undermined the most comprehensive reform movement in U.N. history by insisting on the adoption of hundreds of irrelevant amendments that were never going to be accepted by the General Assembly.

Later, when the U.N. did agree on one important change � creating a new, reformed Human Rights Council � he argued furiously against it, rallied just three other nations to the cause (out of 191) and eventually saw the U.S. go down to a humiliating defeat.

Then he turned around and said he would work with the council and help it financially but not join it. Which left Washington looking not just like a loser, but a whiny one at that.

As Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) remarked, Bolton was not just a bully, but an "ineffective" one."

SEE: Bolton Must Go!! by Stephen Schlesinger, MaximsNews.com, U.N. 16 September 2006.