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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Basketball Rules in Palestine!

من لبنان
02-20-2006, 06:51 PM
Rule 1: Israelis have the right to play on both sides of the court, whereas
Palestinians can only play on their own side.

Rule 2: For security reasons Palestinians do not have the right to pass the
ball between players, the ball could hit an Israeli player.

Rule 3: There will be no basket on the Israeli side.
Rule 4: Israel is allowed to shoot at any time even during time-outs.
Rule 5: Palestinians are not allowed to have supporters. Only Israelis
should be supported.

Rule 6: Israel selects the sports press writers and what they report.

Rule 7: Israel encourages Palestinians to shoot into the Palestinian basket.
Players who refuse will be nominated as terrorists and will not be allowed
to play.
Rule 8: Palestinian players are allowed to leave the field, but cannot
return. One exception: A Palestinian can be replaced by an Israeli!

Rule 9: Israel selects and instructs the referees, and tells them when to
look away.

Rule 10: Israel selects the captain of the Palestinian team.
Rule 11: Israeli faults and Palestinian good plays will not be shown on TV.

Rule 12: Israel takes the money which sponsors pay to Palestinians clubs.

Rule 13: Only Israeli players get refreshments.

Rule 14: Palestinians are required to play, when and where designated by

Rule 15: Rules only apply to Palestinians; Israelis may change the rules
during the game and are not required to advise the Palestinians of the

من هناك
02-20-2006, 07:26 PM
Rule 16: They should not play until Gondolisa find them a new side outside the lines

02-21-2006, 04:11 AM
Rule 17: If a Palestinian player plays pretty well,,, the mach will end up with his house destroyed and his children killed as a charge for his crime

02-21-2006, 08:22 AM
لم أفهم كل ما كتب... وسيكون عليك يا من لبنان ترجمته لي... إختاري بأية وسيلة... العبارة التالية فهمتها... وفهمت غيرها!!!
Israelis may change the rules during the game and are not required to advise the Palestinians of the changes.

02-21-2006, 05:26 PM
تفضلي يا صوت .... هذه ترجمة أول خمس جمل..

الإسرائيليون لديهم الحق في اللعب في كلا جانبي الملعب.. بينما الفلسطينيون لا يحق لهم اللعب إلا في جانبهم.

لأسباب أمنية.. لا يحق للفلسطينيين تمرير الكرة بينهم فقد تضرب بالخطأ لاعبا اسرائيليا.

لن يكون هناك سلة في الجانب الاسرائيلي.

إسرائيل لها حق التسديد في أي وقت حتى الوقت المستقطع.

الفلسطينيون غير مسموح بأن يكون لهم مشجعين… فقط الاسرائيليون يجب أن يُشّجعوا.