تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Die Not Except In The State Of Islam

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01-23-2005, 12:57 PM
Yahya Abdul Rahman - Jan 22, 2005

Today is a sad time in my family. On Friday, two of my Aunts on my mother's side - aged 92 and 89 - each lost a son who were both in their late 60s. One son suffered a heart attack after a long illness, and the other was suddenly killed in a tragic car accident. My Aunts are not in such good health themselves - one just got out of the hospital- so this sad news will take a toll on their health. In addition yesterday, my sister's father-in-law suffered a heart attack and is in the hospital. I have yet another Aunt who has been lying on her death bed for a few months now.
