تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ايميل وصلني من شاب انجليزي بالانجليزية تفضلوا

11-29-2003, 06:21 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

وصلني ايميل من شاب انجليزي ردا على ايميل ارسلته له فيه بعض ما يحصل في فلسطين

الايميل في صور :






















ثم جائني تحتها هذا النص بالانجليزية

( انا متاكد بانك ستستجيب )

What if Allah couldn't take the time to bless us today because we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday ?

( ماذا لو ان الله لم يباركنا اليوم لاننا لم نحمده يوم امس ؟ )
What if Allah decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we didn't follow Him today ?
(ماذا لو قرر الله ان يتوقف عن ارشادنا غدا لاننا توقفنا عن اتباعه اليوم ؟ )

What if we never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled when Allah sent the
Rain ?
( ماذا لو اننا لم نر زهرة اخرى تزهر لاننا - grumbled كلمة ليست في قاموسي للاسف لكن اظن ان معناها قريب من كفر النعمة - حينما ارسل الله المطر ؟ )

What if Allah didn't walk with us today because we failed to recognize it as His day?
( ماذا لو ان الله لم يكن معنا اليوم لاننا فشلنا في التعرف اليه في يومه ؟ ) - لا ادري ان كانت ترجمتي هنا صحيحة -

What if Allah took away the Quran tomorrow because we would not read it today ?
( ماذا لو ان الله اخذ منا القرآن غدا لاننا لم نقرأه اليوم ؟ )

What if Allah took away His message because we failed to listen to the messenger ?
( ماذا لو ان الله سحب رسالته لاننا لم نستمع لرسوله ؟ )

What if the door of the Mosque was closed because we didn't open the door of our heart ?
( ماذا لو ان باب المسجد اغلق لاننا لم نفتح با بقلبنا ؟ )

What if Allah stopped loving and caring for us because we failed to love and care for others ?
( ماذا لو توقف الله عن حبنا و رعايتنا لاننا فشلنا بحب الاخرين و رعايتهم ؟ )

What if Allah would not hear us today because we would not listen to Him ?
( ماذا لو ان الله توقف عن سماعنا اليوم لاننا لم نعد نستمع له ؟ )

at if Allah answered our prayers the way we answer His calls
( ماذا لو ان الله اجاب دعائنا كما نستجيب له ؟ )

What if Allah met our needs the way we give Him our lives ?
( ماذا لو ان الله اعطانا حاجاتنا كما نعطيه حياتنا ؟ )- يعني ما نضحي بحياتنا في سبيله -

What if We failed to send this message on?
( ماذا لو اننا فشلنا بارسال هذه الرسالة ؟ )

ثم هناك طلب بارسالها لكل من تعرف
وصلتني من احد الاخوة

و ارسلتها لذلك الشاب الانجليزي النصراني .. و اذ به يرسل لي ردا ... و الشاب اسمه اليكس
قال :

Interesting revelations on the situation in palestine. Something that worries me though is the content of the photo's seems to be one which attempts to evoke an aggressive response towards 'the other side'.
Perhaps I'm looking too deep into it and you're just saying "Look at the horror of war". It is a bad situation.

I think (in my opinion) the key issue is about following the path of love, peace and harmony within the world and within oneself. Islam is one key to this and a very significant one at that but it simply isn't me. I've found my enlightenment in other methods. We're all reaching for the same ideal of peace but we're doing it in different ways. Isn't that the important thing?
Dosn't matter how you get there as long as we do?

War, violence and corruption are undeniably bad, bad things that I strive and fight against with every fibre in my body. I fight it within myself too. For being a human being I am lured by acts of desire and must find a balance between what I WANT and what is RIGHT.

Speak your mind,

Thanks for the e-mail Rasheed.


الترجمة اكملها لاحقا ان شاء الله بس يلي بيفهم انجليزي عرف شو قال الشب ...
اكمل لكم باذن الله
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته :(