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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The key to mastering a complex topic

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11-10-2006, 09:40 PM

The key to mastering a complex topic
And getting an "A" on your assignments

by Yahya Abdul Rahman - Nov 10, 2006

As students or employees we are frequently called upon to write about or work on a variety of topics of which we may have little or no prior knowledge. At first, there is a tendency for most people to say "I don't know anything about that topic so how am I going to write about or work on it?" The problem with such an attitude is that it begins with a negative premise and erects a mental barrier between the task at hand and its completion.

I am of the firm belief that there is a secret of mastering any complex topic, and anyone can do so with great proficiency without possessing any prior knowledge or a great amount of intelligence.

If you know little or nothing about any given topic an effective way to learn is to write about it. But I would even go one step further and say that it is necessary for you to approach your assignment with an attitude that you are going to receive a very good grade or even have your work published.

Now most people will say: "How can I write about something and expect a good grade or even get it published if I don't know a thing about the topic?" I want you to forget for a moment that you don't know anything about your topic. Instead, I invite you to concentrate on the idea that you will write your paper or do your assignment on your chosen topic, that you will receive a really good grade and even have it published.

Furthermore, I encourage you to really believe this message and keep telling it to yourself over and over again. Go even one step further and print out your title page, tape it on the wall where you work and place the grade on it that you wish to receive. Then begin to visualize your article as being already completed and returned with a good grade - or even published- and allow yourself to feel the exhilaration of seeing yourself completing a task well done. I guarantee that when you do this you will begin to generate energy within yourself to both begin and complete your assignment. It is also a much more powerful motivator than saying: "I don't know, so I can't."

Yes I can, and yes I will!!

Once you affirm in your heart and feel the desired outcome in your emotions the statement "yes I can, and yes I will," you will begin your task with great confidence. And when you have confidence in yourself you will do a much greater job. Your eye will always be on the final outcome and will not be bogged down with the details necessary to complete the task.

Of course you still have to do the required leg-work and research, but when you maintain this positive mentality of "yes I can, and yes I will," the task will be much easier to complete. The required information and understanding will easily come together in your mind in a much more complete and coherent fashion, and you will sit back in amazement at the final outcome of your work. You may even ask yourself "did I do that?"

I don't care what the assignment is or its complexity, if you begin with the premise of "yes I can, and yes I will," and really believe it in your heart without any doubts you will achieve that which you set out to do. There will be people around you who will seek to discourage you. They will attempt to convince you that the task is too hard or too complex. But you have the ability and the choice to block out this negativity and defeatist attitudes from your mind. Those around you will look upon you with astonishment as your breeze through your assignments and will wonder what your secret is. They will all think your are brilliant when I fact you have learned a great secret and that is: "We become what we think of ourselves."

Visualization and believing in yourself are powerful tools, and not just for assignments. They can be used in many aspects of one's life to achieve desired objectives.

It was the Buddha who said "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Bring into your mind the thought "yes I can, and yes I will," and the reality of this wise saying will begin to manifest in your life.

The poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "Beware what you set your heart upon. For it shall surely be yours." Do you want get back a "C" paper or an "A" paper? Apply the above principles and write me a thank you note when you get your next "A" or have your work published.

[email protected][/align:225628292a]

11-11-2006, 02:30 AM
May Allah bless you

you brought this in the right time

it is a must-read twenty one times

tell me something about this guy

من هناك
11-18-2006, 02:05 AM
لقد كتبت عن الأخ يحيى في المنتدى من قبل ولكني لا ادري اين

هو رجل مختلف تماماً عن الرجال الذين نعرفهم ويقيس نفسه دوماً بمقدار ما عمل من اعمال صالحة بعد إسلامه وهذه السنة العاشرة له في الإسلام.