تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : فلاش لدعاء الشيخ المحيسني حفظه الله

06-25-2006, 01:38 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

رابط فلاش لدعاء الشيخ المحيسني حفظه الله في رمضان 1422 في صلاة التراويح

فلاش مترجم بالإنجليزية

http://www.terroristmedia.com/duafull.swf (http://www.terroristmedia.com/duafull.swf)

وصلي اللهم وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن تبعهم الى يوم الدين

اللهم آمين


وهذا تفريغ لنص الدعاء


أللَّهُــمَّ يــــــَـا مَنْ لَهُ العـِـزَةُ والجـَـلالِ

يــــــَـا مَنْ لَهُ القـُدْرَة والكَمـَــال

يــــــَـا مَنْ هوَ الكَبيـــرُ المُـتــَعَال

نســألـُكَ أللَّهُــمَّ عـِـزاً وَتـَمـْـكيــنـا

وَنَصْــراً للمـُجـَاهـِديــنَ فـي سَبيــلِكْ

أللَّهُــمَّ كـُنْ لـَهـُـم وَمَعـَهُمْ

أللَّهُــمَّ انـْصُرْهـُم وَقـَوِّهِمْ

أللَّهُــمَّ سـَدِّدْ رَأْيــَهـُمْ

وَصَوِّبْ سِــهَامَـهُـمْ

واجـْمَـعْ كـَلِمـَتـَـهـُمْ

وأصلح أللَّهُــمَّ قــُلُوبـَـهُـمْ

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِأَعدَائِــهـِمْ

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِأَعدَائِــهـِمْ

أللَّهُــمَّ فـَـرِّقْ جـَمـْعَهـُم

وَشــَـتـِّـتْ شــَمْـلـَهـُم

وَأضْــعـِفْ شــَوْكــَتــَهـُمْ

وَاقــْذِف الـرُعْــبَ فــي قــُلــُوبـِهـِمْ

أللَّهُــمَّ إنَّ نـَوَاصِـينا بـِـيــَدَيــكْ

وَأُمورَنــا تــَرجـِعُ إِلــَيــكْ

وَأَحــْوَالنــا لا تــَخْــفــَى عـَلـيــكْ

إِلــَيــكَ نـَرفـَـعُ بـَأســَنا وَحــُزنــَنــَا وَشــِـكـايــَـتــَنـا

إِلــَيــكَ أللَّهُــمَّ نـَـشْـكوا ظـُلْـمَ الظـَـالِـمـيـــن

وَقـَسْـوَةَ الـفـَـاجــِريــنْ وتــَسـَـلـُطـَ الخــَوَنــَة َ الـمُــجْـرِمِـيــنْ

أللَّهُــمَّ إِلــَيــكَ نـَـشْـكوا ظــُلْـمَ النـَصَارى الحـَاقـِـديـــنْ

أللَّهُــمَّ طـَـالَ لَيـّـلُ الظـَـالِـمـيـــنْ

أللَّهُــمَّ طـَـالَ لَيـّـلُ الظـَـالِـمـيـــنْ

أللَّهُــمَّ طـَـالَ لَيـّـلُ الظـَـالِـمـيـــنْ

وَامـْـتـَـدَّ عـِـدَاءُ الـمُـلـحـِـديــن وَأَيـّـنــَـعَـتْ رُؤوس الـمُــجْـرِمِـيــنْ

أللَّهُــمَّ فـَسَـلِـط لـَـهـُـم وَعـَـليهم يـَداً مِـنَ الـحـَـقِ حـَـاصِـدَة

تـَـرفـَعُ بـِـهَا ذُلــَنـَا وَتـُعِـيدَ بـِـهَا عِـزَّنـَـا وَتـُـسْقـِـطَ بها عدونا

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بمعقل الظـُـلمِ وَالإِلـحـاد

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِـمَعْـقـِـلِ الظـُـلمِ وَالإِلـحـاد

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بــأَمـريـكا مـَـعْـقـِلِ الكُـفـْرِ والفـَسـَادْ

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بــأَمـريـكا مـَـعْـقـِلِ الكُـفـْرِ والفـَسـَادْ

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بــأَمـريـكا مـَـعْـقـِلِ الكُـفـْرِ والفـَسـَادْ

أللَّهُــمَّ أَنـْتَ بـِـهـِم عـَـليـم أَفـْـسـَـدوا في أَرْضـِـك وَقـَـتـَلوا عـِـبـَادَك وَأَهـَانـوا دِيـنـَك

أللَّهُــمَّ أَنـْتَ بـِـهـِم عـَـليـم وَعَـلـَيـهـِم قـَـديـر

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِـهـِم

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِـهـِم

أللَّهُــمَّ سـَـلِـطْ عـَـلَـيـهـِم ريـحَ عـاد ، وصـَيـحَـةَ ثـَمـود ، وطـُـوفـَانِ قـَومِ نـُـوح

أللَّهُــمَّ سـَـلِـطْ عـَـلَـيـهـِم مـا نـَـزَلَ مِـنَ الـسـَمـَاءِ وَمـَا خـَرَجَ مِـنَ الأَرضِ

أللَّهُــمَّ فـَـرِقْ دَولَـتـَهُم أللَّهُــمَّ اجـعَـلْـهـا دُوَلاً وَأَحـْـزَاباً مُـتـَنـَاحـِـرَة

أللَّهُــمَّ يـَا حـَـيُّ يـَا قـَـيـُّوم إِجـْعـَـلْـهـُم فـي قـَـبـْضَةَ عـِبَـادِكَ

أللَّهُــمَّ إِجـْعـَـلْـهـُم فـي قـَـبـْضَةَ عـِبَـادِكَ

أللَّهُــمَّ ثـَـبـِـت الأَعـَاصـيـرَ عـِـنـْدَهـُم

أللَّهُــمَّ ثـَـبـِـت الأَعـَاصـيـرَ عـِـنـْدَهـُم

أللَّهُــمَّ فـُكَ أَسْـرَ إِخـْوَانـِنـَا المَـأسُــوريـن

أللَّهُــمَّ فـُكَ أَسـْرَهُـم

أللَّهُــمَّ شـُدَ أَزْرَهـُم

أللَّهُــمَّ ثـَبـِتـْهـُم عـلـى إِيـمـَانـِهـِـم

أللَّهُــمَّ إِجْـعَـل الـتـَمـْكـيـنَ لـَهـُم

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِمَن يـُعَـذِبـُونـَهُم

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِمَن يـُعَـذِبـُونـَهُم

أللَّهُــمَّ عَلَيـّـكَ بـِمَن يـُعَـذِبـُونـَهُم

أللَّهُــمَّ خـُذهـُم أَخـْذَ عَـزِيزٍ مـُقــْتــَدِرْ

أللَّهُــمَّ إِجْـعَـل تـَدْبــيـرَ أَعـْدَائــَنـَا تـَدْمـِيـراً لَـهـُم ، وَمـَكْرَهـُم مـَكْراً بـِـهـِم يـَـا رَبَ الـعـَالـَمِـيـن

يـَا حـَـيُّ يـَا قـَـيـُّوم ، يـَا ذا الـجَـلالِ وَالإِكْـرَام ، يـَا سـَمـيـعُ الـدُعـَاء ، يـَا قـَرِيـبٌ مـُجـِـيـب

إِنــنـَا نـَدْعـُوُكَ وَنـَحْـنُ مـُوقـِنـُونَ بـِوَعْـدِكَ وَبـِإِجـَـابـَتــِكَ

وَقـُلـْتَ وَقـَـولُـكَ الـحَقْ أُدْعــُوُنـي أَسـتـَجـِبْ لَـكـُم

أللَّهُــمَّ اســتـَجــِبْ لـنـَا

أللَّهُــمَّ يـَا حـَـيُّ يـَا قـَـيـُّوم يـَا جَـبـَارُ السـَمَـاوَاتِ وَالأَرْض نـَسـأَلـُكَ أَنْ تــُنـْـقـِـذَ الأَقــْصى مـِنْ قــَبـْضـَةِ الـيـَهُـود

أللَّهُــمَّ خـَلـِصـْهُ مـِنْ كـُلِ كـَافـِرٍ جــَحـُود

أللَّهُــمَّ قـُرَّ أَعـْـيــُنـِـنــَا بـِهِ وَبــِهـَزيـمَةَ الـيَـهـودِ الـحـَاقـِديـن يـَا ذا الجـَـلالِ وَالإِكْــرَام

أللَّهُــمَّ يـَا مـَنْ عـَزَّ وَارْتــَفــَعْ وَذَلَّ كُـلَ شَـيءٍ لـِعـَظـَمـَتـِكَ وَخـَضـَع

أللَّهُــمَّ يـَا مـَنْ خـَلـَـقـْتـَنـَا مـِنْ نـَفـْسٍ وَاحـِـدَة وَمـُسـْتــَقــَرٍ وَمُـسـْتـَوْدَعْ

أللَّهُــمَّ يــَا قــَريــب فـي عــُلـُوِهْ يــَا عَـلِيٌ فـي دُنــُوِهْ يــَا ذا الـطــَولِ وَالـقـُوة

نـَســأَلـُكَ عـِـزاً لِلإِســلامِ وَالـمـُسْــلـِمـِـيــن

أللَّهُــمَّ يـَا حـَـيُّ يـَا قـَـيـُّوم

أللَّهُــمَّ احـْفــَظ الـعـُلـَمـَاء الـعـَامـِلـين وَثــَبـِـت الـدُعــاة الـمـُخـْلـِـصـيــن وَارْفــَعِ مـَقــَامَ الآمِـرِيـنَ بــِالـمـَعـْرُوفِ وَالـنـَاهـيـنَ عـَنِ الـمُـنــكَرِ وَمـَنْ وَالاهـُم مِـنَ الـمـُسْـلـمـِيـن

أللَّهُــمَّ يـَا حـَـيُّ يـَا قـَـيـُّوم يـَا ذا الجـَـلالِ وَالإِكْــرَام

أللَّهُــمَّ مـَن ســَخــَرَ نـَـفـْسَـهُ لإِيــذَائـِهم وَالـكـلام فـي أَعْرَاضِـهـِـم وَتـَتـَبُـعِ زَلاتـِهـِم وَلــَم تــَرِد لَـهُ هداية ، أللَّهُــمَّ فاجـْعــَلِ الـشـَقـَاءَ لَــزِيــمَهُ وَالـبَـلاء فـي طــَرِيــقــه أللَّهُــمَّ اقــلــِبْ صـِحـَتــَهُ سَــقـَـمـَا وَعـَافــِيـَتـَهُ مـَرَضـَا وَغِــنــَاهُ وَقــُوَتــَهُ فــَقـْرا.

أللَّهُــمَّ آمين

06-25-2006, 01:54 AM
نص الدعاء مترجم بالإنجليزية

The Dua of Sheikh Muhammad Al Mohaisany, was made after Tarawih prayer during Ramadhan 2001 in Masjid Al Haram, Makkah. he was arrested immediately after by the Apostate King Fahd

Translation of the Du'a of Sheikh Al Mohaisany

O h Allah, to whom belongs All Glory and Grandeur

Oh Allah The Omni-Potentent, The Supreme

The Greatest, The Highest

We ask you of Your Glory and Power

And victory for the Mujahideen in your cause

Oh Allah remain beside them, and with them

Give them triumph; strenghthen them

Oh Allah unite their vision

Focus the aim of their weaponry

And consolidate their word

And O Allah, fix their hearts

O Allah handle, take care of their enemies

O Allah dissipate their congregation

And shatter their integrity

And weaken their strengths

And throw the fear in their hearts

O Allah, our fates are in your hands

And our affairs all return to You

And our conditions are not obscured from Your knowledge

To You do we raise our misery

And our sorrow

And our complaint

To You, and You alone, do we complain the injustice of the oppressors

And the cruelty of the "faajereen" (literaly: perpetrators of debauchery)

And the wrath of the betraying criminals

To You, O Allah, do we complain the injustice of the spiteful Christians

O Allah, the night (the dark reign) of the oppressors has indeed lengthened

Again) O Allah, the night of the oppressors has indeed lengthened

And Again,) ... O Allah, the night of the oppressors has indeed lengthened

Again) O Allah, the night of the oppressors has indeed lengthened

The animosity of the atheists has extended deep

And ... the heads of the criminals

Oh Allah

Oh Allah

Send upon them a hand from the truth ...

To raise with it our humiliation

And to return to us our dignity

And to destroy our enemy with it

Oh Allah

Oh Allah, take care of the sources of injustice and oppression

Again) Oh Allah, take care of the sources of injustice and oppression

Oh Allah, direct your forces against America

The center of Kufr and Fasaad

Again) Oh Allah, direct your forces against America

Again) The center of Kufr and Fasaad

Oh Allah, of them our are All-Aware

They spread fasaad in Your lands

And they killed Your slaves

And they insulted Your religion
Again) Oh Allah, of them our are All-Aware

And over them All-Powerful

Oh Allah, direct your forces against them

Again) Oh Allah, direct your forces against them

O Allah send upon them the Storms of 'Aad

And the Cry of the Thamoud

And the Typhoon of the people of Noah

O Allah send upon them that which descends from the skies

And of that which exudes from the lands

O Allah disintegrate their country

O Allah make them into divided countries and scattered parties

O Allah, Ever-Living and Omni-Potent

Make contain them within a fist's grip of Your slaves (i.e. under their control

Again) Make contain them within a fist's grip of Your slaves

O Allah, make hurricanes a constant for them

Again) O Allah, make hurricanes a constant for them

O Allah release our captured brothers

O Allah release them

O Allah, strengthen them

O Allah make them steady on their faith

O Allah make possible a means for them

O Allah handle those who torture them

Again) O Allah handle those who torture them

O Allah handle those who torture them

O Allah eradicate them with Your power and Omni-Potence

O Allah, make their plots against us a cause for their destruction

And their slyness, slyness against them

O Lord of the worlds

O Ever-Living, O Omni-Potent

O Most-Mighty and Most-Gracious

Hearer of all prayer

Ever so close, accepting to all prayers

We all pray to You

full aware of Your promise

And of Your acceptance

For You have said, and Your speech is the truth

"Pray to Me, for I accept your prayers"

O Allah accept our prayers for us

Again) O Allah accept our prayers for us

O Allah, Everlasting, All-Powerful

The Omni-Potent over all that is in the heavens and the earth

We ask you to save Al-Aqsa from the cruelty of the Jews

Again) O Allah save Al-Aqsa from the cruelty of the Jews

O Allah free Al-Aqsa from every black-hearted Kafir

O Allah lay our eyes rest on a liberated Aqsa, and on the defeat of the spiteful Jews

O Most-Mighty and Most-Gracious

All creatures are unto You humiliated, meek

O Allah, our creator from a single soul

O Allah, Highest in status

O Allah, Greatest in Strength

We ask You glory for Islam and Muslims

O Allah, Ever-Living, Ever so Powerful

O Allah guard the hard working scholars

Again) O Allah guard the hard working scholars

And make steadfast those sincere in inviting to Your path

And raise the positions of those who order righteousness, and who forbid evil

And bestow the same mercy upon those Muslims who enjoin them

O Allah, Ever-Living, Ever so Powerful

O Most-Mighty and Most-Gracious

O Allah, he who devoted himself to hurt them

Talking to defame their honor

And tracking their refuge

And for whom You have willed no guidance

O Allah, make misery his destiny

O Allah, make misery his destiny

And disaster in his path

O Allah, convert his health to disease

And his strength into sickness

And his wealth, into poverty

And his power into weakness


http://www.load-islam.com/C/Lyrics/Dua (http://www.load-islam.com/C/Lyrics/Dua)