تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : غالاوي يشكل خطراً على امن مصر القومي

من هناك
02-12-2006, 10:31 PM
دعته نقابة المحامين المصريين بصفة شاهد في محاكمة تمثيلية للدور البريطاني في حرب العراق، ولكن السلطات المصرية كانت له بالمرصاد رغم انه يتمتع بالحصانة البرلمانية.


ما إن وصل إلى مطار القاهرة حتى حول إلى زنزانة انفرادية للنظر في امره وتقدير مدى خطورة زيارته على الأمن القومي المصري. وبالفعل قضى ليلته في السجن رغم كل طلبات حزبه لتخلية سبيله ولو بشروط لانها اهانة كبرى لصديق العرب والقضايا القومية العربية.

غالاواي خرج من السجن المصري ولكن دون ان يستطيع الإشتراك في حفل النقابة بسبب الخطر الذي يمكن ان يسببه وعاد إلى بلاده بدون اي اعتذار رسمي

An Interview with George Galloway
by Karen Button - Feb 7, 2006

The British Member of Parliament, George Galloway was in Egypt to testify about Britain’s involvement in Iraq’s invasion at a trial organised by the Arab Lawyers Union. Instead, he spent a sleepless night in a detention room at the Cairo airport, told he was a security risk. His Respect Party negotiated on his behalf; he was finally released, but only after the tribunal had ended.

Tired, but gracious, he gave most of his limited time to interviews. We sat in the restaurant of the Shepheard Hotel, an upscale hotel whose lobby is filled with Africans draped in colorful robes and in suits, Asians clustered in small groups, boisterous Arabs sitting around low tables laughing, and a few Americans—mostly businessmen. Ironically, as we talk about American imperialism, Britain’s participation, and the effects on regional politics in the Middle East, the background music swells into a crescendo of the Star-Spangled Banner and continues with other American march tunes.

George Galloway is an eloquent and passionate man, whether in Parliament, in the US Senate—where he flew last year to personally confront Republicans charging his misconduct in the Oil for Food Programme (his pointed questioning celebrated by the Left who’d been longing for this kind of courage from the Democrats)—or in person. His anti-war stance and 30 year support of Arab peoples has ensured his controversy; he is often in conflict with Prime Minister Tony Blair and doesn’t shy away from criticism of George W. Bush. He has been tireless in his support of the Iraqi people during sanctions and after, visiting the country, he says, over 200 times.

We met just prior to his departure back to the airport, and after he’d given an interview with Iraqi TV excerpts of which are included as they answer some of my own questions.